Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ups and Downs

Well yesterday was a day of mixed results. At the bank before I got to use the Coin Star machine to return my unwanted coins, I had to wait for two guys to finish. I asked if I could look over their rejects. They let me. In their rejects was a 1958 dime. Score! That's one I didn't have.

Later in the day my wife and I went baby shower shopping. In the store I found two quarters. Afterwards we went to the movies to see the new Anthony Hopkins film. At the very end of the film the projector gave out. They fixed it in 10 minutes, but we got free movie tickets. :)

My luck ended there for a bit. I went through four boxes of dimes in the evening and only found one silver dime, 1957. Fortunately it was one I needed. I then went through 2 boxes of nickels. The first came up totally empty. The second started out that way, but midway through the box I found 2 Buffalo nickels (1934 and one with the date worn off) and 1 War Time nickel. Pretty good, I thought. I didn't find any dates I needed for my albums. The remaining dates might be hard to come by.

(The rightmost Buffalo is one I found sometime ago. It was totally blackened with paint when I first found it.)

This morning though, the luck continued. In two boxes of pennies I found the elusive 1968S! Now my Lincoln Memorial cents (circulation coins, anyway) are complete. My first filled album.

Found: 3 pennies (1 at the cafe at work, 2 at the Bank of America), 2 quarters (Belmont gift shop)