Thursday, August 4, 2011

33 small dollars had one Canadian $1 (2008).

4,400 quarters turned up one silver Washington (1964), seven Canadians, one Malaysia 20 Sen (1990) and one India 50 Paise (1985). Those last two coins are new foreign types for me!

2,600 dimes rounded up two silver Rosies (1960D, 1962D), three Canadians, one UK 5 pence and one India 25 Paise (1988).

2,000 nickels produced one dateless Buffalo, three War Times (1943S, 1944P, 1945S), three Canadians (1 Ni) and one Bermuda 5¢.

8,500 pennies yielded fifty-four Wheats, eighty-one Canadians, three US dimes, one German 2 Pfennig and one Euro 2¢.

1920, 1923, 1926, 1928, 1934(2), 1935(3), 1937(2), 1938, 1940, 1941(2), 1942(3), 1944(6), 1945(5), 1946(4), 1946D, 1951D, 1952(2), 1952D, 1953, 1953D(2), 1955, 1956, 1956D, 1957, 1957D(5), 1958, 1958D(2)