Thursday, May 15, 2008

Missed Dates

This morning I realized I missed two anniversaries. On April 6th, 2007 I started this blog and on May 4th, 2007 I started my coin roll hunting. I guess I've been busy!

Last night Henry was a little cranky. Perhaps it was because we didn't go on a walk together? I'm not sure. We also speculated that it might be some sort of reaction to his shots. At times he was quite hysterical. He did go to sleep around his normal time though and only got up once around 2:30AM and then slept until 6AM. It was still nice to come home to him and spend some time with him. Meg prepared a bit for her mother's group. She met some other new moms at an organization we had to pay for. She and the others decided to stick it to them and just meet at people's houses. I'm proud of her. Not only is she being cheap, but she's organizing something that will be beneficial to many. That's something she's always been good at.

Henry has also shown much improvement in the use of his hands. Last night I saw him using his fingers to grab and feel the frilly ends of an afghan. That was amazing. He looked so smart doing it. Now the whole world can be his playground. There's much exploring to do. We'll have to baby proof the house before long ... no more random coins about!

I also did some coin searching.

80 hand rolled quarters and 50 hand rolled dimes produced nothing.

4,000 nickels (two boxes) turned up one War Time (1944P), four Canadians, and one Bahamas 5¢. That silver nickel completed another roll of them for me. They've been a bit tough to come by lately.

Lastly I looked through 1,950 hand rolled pennies. In them I found twelve Wheats and twenty-three Canadians. The Wheats were:

1940, 1944(3), 1946, 1950, 1950D, 1952D, 1957D(2), 1958D(2)