100,000+ Quarters Searched! ... drawing blood
Yesterday morning I spent some time investigating the EBay incident. I learned that the hacker sent out 200 e-mails through EBay's messaging system. Most e-mails concerned bids having to do with digital cameras and sneakers. Here's one of them:
Hello seller,
I'm interested in the immediate purchase of this item,which is needed in my store urgently in next 5 days for my customers, i will be paying 15USD for one and i need over 30 piceces,450 for the 30 jersey and 100 for the shipping making 550 including shipping & insurance via USPS or (EMS),i will be paying you through a trusted name PAYPAL [my PayPal account, the one he thankfully couldn't get into!].reply asap with your paypal email account which you want you money to be credited too so that i can send your money right away into your account.please send your paypal account include your email address in your reply so that can contact you anytime.[and not do so through EBay]i will be glad if you can end auction for the item now.Reply Asap NB:i would like buy the item to one of my store , pls let me know if you can ship today as soon as payment has been received .
You may reply me direct to this mail
Paul Rose [fake name and temporary e-mail address, I'm sure]
I also found out that he/she used a computer with an ip address in Chicago to navigate EBay, although I'm quite confident they are not a native English speaker.
Last night I coin roll searched and drew blood! While searching my quarters I got a nasty cut. That's a first, I think. Who knew this was such a dangerous hobby.
I looked through 5,600 quarters (2 boxes and some hand rolled). That puts me over the 100,000 mark. In that bunch I found seven Canadians and a East Caribbean States 25¢. No silver quarters or new varieties marked the occasion.
I also searched 10,700 dimes. In them I found five silver Rosies (1955S, 1956, 1964D, 1964 x 2), seventeen Canadians, and two Bermuda 10¢. The 1955S is one I needed. It's one of the more rarer Roosevelts too! Seven more to go.
This morning I managed to get through 2,950 pennies. I found a minor Wheat hoard. One roll had twenty-seven Wheats in it. In total I found forty-six Wheats, thirty-six Canadians, and two Bahama 1¢.
Found: 3 pennies (1 in the parking lot at work, 2 at White Hen Pantry), 1 nickel (at White Hen Pantry)