Monday, September 12, 2011

Henry and Hazel were being cute eating some fresh vegetables from our garden on our stoop so she took this picture.

This weekend we had fun going to Sturbridge Village on Saturday and to our church's family picnic on Sunday. Henry and Hazel are both not feeling too well with colds and although they didn't sleep so hot (neither did we) they were in pretty good spirits during the day.

7 small dollars had nothing.

8,001 half dollars turned up two 90% silver halves (1964, 1964D), twelve 40% silver halves (1965, 1966, 3 x 1967, 4 x 1968D, 3 x 1969D) and six proofs (1983S, 2 x 1984S, 1989S, 1994S, 2008S).

17,150 pennies yielded one Indian Head (1882), eighty-three Wheats, one hundred eleven Canadians, three US dimes and one Panama 1¢. The Indian Head is really worn.

1924, 1928, 1935, 1936(2), 1937, 1938, 1940(3), 1940S, 1941(2), 1941D, 1942(2), 1944(6), 1944D, 1945(4), 1945S, 1946(3), 1946D, 1947, 1947S, 1948(4), 1949(3), 1950S, 1951D, 1952(2), 1952D(3), 1952S, 1953(2), 1953D(5), 1954D, 1955(6), 1956(3), 1956D(4), 1957, 1957D(6), 1958, 1958D(2)

Found: 4 pennies, 1 dime, 2 quarters