Tuesday, September 6, 2011

50 small dollars had nothing.

8,002 half dollars turned up forty-five 90% silver halves (1935S, 1936, 1940, 2 x 1945, 1945S, 1946S, 1952D, 1953D, 1962D, 2 x 1963D, 32 x 1964, 1964D), one hundred eight 40% silver halves (2 x 1965, 9 x 1966, 42 x 1967, 39 x 1968D, 1968S, 15 x 1969D), eleven proofs (1968S, 2 x 1972S, 1973S, 1976S, 1980S, 1982S, 1983S, 1990S, 1991S, 1995S) and one token (a Hackett Bungy token from New Zealand, www.bungy.co.nz). That's one of my best half dollar scores ever! The only bummer was there was no new ones in that mix for me. I hadn't found the 1968S in some time so that was cool, even if it was covered with some weird gunk.

3,000 quarters yielded three Canadians, twelve US nickels (thanks, jerk!), one UK 10 pence and one Cape Verde 20 Escudos (1994). The Cape Verde coin is a new one for me. Always great to find a new country!

2,300 dimes produced three silver Rosies (1961, 1961 Proof, 1963), three Canadians, one Swiss &$189; franc and one Ecuador 10¢. The silver proof is a new one for me, 3,028,244 were minted. It is not as nice as the 1957 proof dime I found, but it still has enough mirror finish left to identify it.

1,200 nickels had just one Canadian.

8,900 pennies got me fifty-three Wheats, eighty-four Canadians and one Zambia 1 Ngwee. I also found a clipped Lincoln in this batch.

1918, 1920(2), 1926, 1929(2), 1930, 1934, 1937(2), 1938, 1939, 1940D, 1941, 1942, 1945(3), 1946(4), 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950(3), 1950D(2), 1951, 1953(2), 1953S, 1955(2), 1956(2), 1956D(8), 1957, 1957D(3), 1958, 1958D

Found: 1 penny, 1 dime