Sunday, January 15, 2012

8,000 halves had just one keeper, a Portuguese 50¢ (1987). That was a bit a bummer, but that is the first coin from Portugal I've gotten that isn't a Euro.

5,000 pennies produced two proofs (1968S Proof, 1992S), thirty-four Wheats, twenty-eight Canadians and two Bahamas 1¢. That's the first time I've gotten two penny proofs in one sitting!

1910, 1917, 1920, 1927, 1928, 1939, 1941(5), 1942, 1944(5), 1945, 1946, 1947, 1951D, 1952, 1953(2), 1955, 1956, 1956D(2), 1957(3), 1957D, 1958(2)