Wednesday, November 7, 2007

200,000+ Nickels

Last night was a slow night. I did top the 200,000 mark for nickels searched, however.

On the way home I stopped at the local credit union that had been kind to me two weeks ago. They had some more change for me. It wasn't much, but they remembered me and told me to come back on Saturday. I collected 3 half dollars, 160 quarters, 200 dimes, 200 nickels, and 50 pennies. In it was only one Canadian nickel and two Canadian pennies.

I also searched two boxes of nickels (4,000 coins). In them I found three War Times (1943S, 1944P, 1945S), ten Canadians, and one US penny.


Anonymous said...

Next time you call, tell me what a proof coin is and how it's different from "regular coins".