Monday, February 6, 2012

I forgot a funny one ...

Henry's been very into telling Meg and I stories about Duck. Yesterday I heard a good one. According to Henry Duck owns a furniture store that has army car carts (for kids to ride in). Duck and Henry go there everyday on Duck's blue plane. It's too far to drive Henry told me. Duck seems to be quite wealthy. Last week he told Meg that duck had a limousine (Henry's been very interested in them lately. He told us a friend's grandparents had one too.) Today there have been more Duck tales. Meg states:

Mostly stories about when Duck was a baby, and how Henry has taken care of her. ie. "She was feeling sick, so I put some medicine in her mouth and she felt better." Also lots of birthday stories. And descriptions of her house, which is "Just like our house, except blue. My favorite blue."

We were told last week that Duck's house is attached to ours by the pipes in our basement.