Sunday, April 25, 2010

This weekend was fairly productive for me. On Saturday I got a bunch of our papers shredded, went to the park with Henry, went to Home Depot (twice), trimmed a tree of ours (I think I saved myself the hassle of having a professional come and do it), set up my old computer and installed a new antenna. Today I finished the installation of our new antenna. The rain held off and so both days we were able to spend a lot of time with Henry outside. The best part of the weekend was definitely early Saturday afternoon. Meg and I were able to get some yard work done while Henry played very nicely right besides us. Unfortunately he was a bit cranky this weekend and not feeling so hot (#2's getting bigger and much more uncomfortable!).

Here are some good pictures of Henry that Meg took recently.

Henry watching and feeing "little ants."

Henry and his friend Owen playing with some lawnmowers.

Henry and Owen planting trees in the sandbox.

Henry having a snack party with his stuffed animals.

This weekend's halves weren't so hot. 8,000 of them produced six 40% silver halves (1966, 1968D, 4 x 1969D) and two proof halves (1990S, 1991S).

Found: 7 pennies (1 at Costco, 2 at Stop & Shop, 2 at Home Depot, 2 at Panera Bread), 1 quarter (at Costco)