Here's some funny pictures of Henry.
2,600 nickels produced two War Times (1944P, 1945P), two Canadians (1 Ni), three US dimes and a proof nickel(1968S). The proof is a new variety for me.
7,500 pennies had thirty Wheats, fifty-four Canadians and three US dimes. The Wheats were:
1909 VDB, 1923, 1930, 1937, 1942, 1944(3), 1945, 1946(2), 1948, 1949, 1950, 1950S, 1951, 1951D, 1952, 1952D, 1953D(2), 1953S, 1955, 1956D, 1957(4), 1958, 1958D
Found: 1 dime (at Costco)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Just a quick coin update ...
5,800 quarters produced six Canadians and one US nickel.
4,500 dimes had one silver Rosie (1964), four Canadians and two UK 5 pence.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
This weekend was fairly productive for me. On Saturday I got a bunch of our papers shredded, went to the park with Henry, went to Home Depot (twice), trimmed a tree of ours (I think I saved myself the hassle of having a professional come and do it), set up my old computer and installed a new antenna. Today I finished the installation of our new antenna. The rain held off and so both days we were able to spend a lot of time with Henry outside. The best part of the weekend was definitely early Saturday afternoon. Meg and I were able to get some yard work done while Henry played very nicely right besides us. Unfortunately he was a bit cranky this weekend and not feeling so hot (#2's getting bigger and much more uncomfortable!).
Here are some good pictures of Henry that Meg took recently.
Henry watching and feeing "little ants."
Henry and his friend Owen playing with some lawnmowers.
Henry and Owen planting trees in the sandbox.
Henry having a snack party with his stuffed animals.
This weekend's halves weren't so hot. 8,000 of them produced six 40% silver halves (1966, 1968D, 4 x 1969D) and two proof halves (1990S, 1991S).
Found: 7 pennies (1 at Costco, 2 at Stop & Shop, 2 at Home Depot, 2 at Panera Bread), 1 quarter (at Costco)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Things have continued to be busy at home and at work. Here's my coin statistics of late, however. Hopefully soon I'll find some time to post some good pictures and videos of Henry that Meg took.
25 small dollars didn't produce anything.
8,018 half dollars turned up one 90% silver half (1964) and two 40% silver halves (1967, 1968D).
3,360 quarters had two silver Washingtons (1957, 1961D) and nine Canadians.
2,350 dimes yielded two Canadians and three Bermuda 10¢.
1,480 nickels produced one War Time (1944D), four Canadians (2 Ni) and one key date Jefferson (1951S).
10,150 pennies rounded up fifty-four Wheats, fifty Canadians and four US dimes. The Wheats were:
19??, 1916, 1920, 1929, 1935, 1937, 1941(2), 1942(2), 1944(3), 1945(3), 1946, 1947, 1947D, 1948(3), 1948D, 1950D, 1950S, 1951(2), 1951D, 1952D(2), 1954, 1954D, 1955, 195692), 1956D(6), 1957(2), 1957D(6), 1958(4)
Found: 6 pennies, 1 nickel, 4 dimes
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Here's a few good Henry pictures and videos from the past few weeks. Enjoy Henry fans!
Henry playing with his cars. That morning he was excited to turn over all his cars and identify the color and location of each exhaust pipe, by saying "grey pipe!" to me.
Henry was woken up to early last weekend and placed himself on his train table as soon as he got downstairs. He just pretended to sleep.
Here's a good shot of Henry cooking with his Mommy.
Henry's hula hoop technique is shown in the above video.
125 small dollars turned up one mint set dollar (2003P).
8,230 halves had three 90% silver halves (3 x 1964), six 40% silver halves (1967, 4 x 1968D, 1970D) and three proof halves (2003S, 2005S, 2006S). That's the first 1970D half I've found in some time. My upward trend continues ... slowly.
1,600 quarters produced just one Canadian and a US nickel.
500 dimes yielded one silver Rosie (1959D) and one Canadian.
800 nickels had one War Time (1943S), two Canadians (1 Ni) and one Cayman Islands 5¢.
Lastly, 1,500 pennies rounded up six Wheats, twenty Canadians, one US dime, one UK penny and a German 1 Reichspfennig (1937). That's the second Nazi coin I've found and one of the oldest foreign coins I've come across. It is in decent shape too.
The Wheats were:
1935, 1941, 1944, 1953D, 1956D, 1958
Friday, April 9, 2010
Although the weather was pretty nice this weekend, things seemed to go pretty quickly. On Saturday Meg and I attended a class that lasted most of the day. It was good for us, but we were pretty wiped out after it. On Sunday Henry was feeling very poor (he had a fever) and so we didn't get much done at all. Better luck next weekend, I hope!
1,400 quarters rounded up three Canadians, one Bermuda 25¢ and one US dime.
600 dimes turned up one silver Rosie (1961D).
280 nickels had four Canadians and one Bahamas 5¢.
5,850 pennies yielded thirty Wheats, fifty-four Canadians, one Ireland 1 pence (1996), one Barbados 1¢, three US dimes and one US nickel. The Wheats were:
1926, 1940, 1944(4), 1945S, 1946(3), 1946S, 1951, 1952(2), 1952D(2), 1953D, 1955, 1955D, 1956, 1956D(3), 1957(2), 1957D(2), 1958, 1958D(2)
On Sunday I finished reading, In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex, by Nathaniel Philbrick. The book concerns the main inspiration for Herman Melville's Moby Dick. The Essex left Nantucket in 1819 and was struck and sunk by a whale deep in the Pacific in 1820. All crew members survived the sinking and attempted to sail to South America on three small row boats. Their journey caused them to suffer weeks of starvation. In the end only five members of the crew were picked up two separate ships close to the South American shore. (Three other crew members who chose to wait it out on a small nearly water-less island also survived.) The story of the Essex and it's crew became very well known, especially since the survivors resorted to cannibalism. Philbrick's account relies heavily on two survivor narratives that were written, one of which was only recently rediscovered. Like his other book I've read enjoyed this book a lot. Philbrick has a very easy style of reading that makes his books hard to put down.
Found: 2 pennies (1 at Home Depot, 1 at Burger King)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I did fairly well with last night's coin.
6,960 quarters turned up one silver Washington (1954), three Canadians, one UK 10 pence, one Bermuda 25¢ and one US dime.
900 dimes had one silver Rosie (1957), three Canadians (including a 1961, 80% silver), one UK 5 pence and one Ireland 5 pence.
960 nickels produced one War Time (1945S), two Canadians (1 Ni) and one Bahamas 5¢.
Found: 1 dime (at CVS)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Happy Easter
This weekend we enjoyed three days of warm, sunny weather. It felt great after all the rain we've been getting. We spent a good portion of the weekend outside, doing yard work and chasing after Henry. For Easter we traveled to Meg's sister's apartment for a good meal. Henry especially enjoyed a large room we had access to that had twenty-or-so large exercise balls. There were also two hula hoops in there. Henry played with those by turning himself inside the hula hoop. Meg took a cute video of Henry's performance.
19 small dollars had my first 2010 coin in them, a 2010P Millard Fillmore.
With this past week's halves I broke out of my no-silver streak ... just barely. 8,034 halves had two 40% silver halves (1967, 1968D).
440 quarters didn't produce anything.
2,000 dimes had one silver Rosie (1964), seven Canadians and one US penny.
800 nickels turned up one War Time (1945S) and five Canadians (1 Ni). The batch also had a proof, a new one for me, in it (1997S).
6,850 pennies rounded up seventeen Wheats, sixty-three Canadians, seven US dimes, two Ireland 1 pence coins and two South Korean 10 Won coins (2009). The South Korean coins were a new type for me. The Wheats were:
1928, 1934, 1941, 1942(2), 1944, 1945, 1946(2), 1948(2), 1951, 1952D, 1955, 1955D, 1956, 1957D
Lastly, a teller saved twelve Canadian pennies, four Canadian nickels (1 Ni), three Canadians dimes, three Canadian quarters, one Bermuda quarter and one Bahamas nickel for me.
Found: 2 pennies