Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This weekend things went much smoother than last. We got some good housework done. It felt good to get a bunch of our leaves dealt with and we had some fun family time doing it to.

50 small dollars had nothing.

8,000 halves produced four 90% silver halves (1945S, 3 x 1964), four 40% silver halves (1965, 1967, 2 x 1968D) and two proof halves (1972S, 1976S).

3,560 quarters rounded up one proof quarter (1979S), three Canadians, two US dimes, five US nickels and one US penny (stuck to a quarter).

4,100 dimes yielded two silver Rosies (1947D, 1958D), three Canadians, two Swiss ½ francs, one Cayman Islands 5¢ and two US pennies (both 1943D steel Wheats).

880 nickels turned up two Canadians.

6,550 pennies got me thirty-nine Wheats, thirty-nine Canadians and one US dime.

1936, 1936D, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1942D, 1944(5), 1944D, 1945(2), 1946(3), 1950(2), 1952(2), 1952D(3), 1953(2), 1953D(3), 1955(2), 1955D, 1956, 1957(3), 1957D(3)

Found: 2 dimes (one was a 1960D silver dime)