Thursday, January 6, 2011

Yesterday Hazel had her six month doctor appointment. She weighed in at 17 lbs. 1 oz. Her height is now 26 inches.

In the evening Henry counted to ten for me. He's been doing this for about 2 weeks now. Sometimes we even here him counting to himself. I asked him, "what comes after ten?" His reply was, "twenty-five."

My coin ...

44 large dollars didn't have anything. In addition two these I did get to keep two others from the coin counter's reject bin.

2,440 quarters rounded up one silver Washington (1964), eight Canadians, two US nickels and one US dime.

2,500 dimes produced one silver Rosie (1964), one Canadian, one Aruba 10¢ and two US pennies.

1,280 nickels had one Buffalo (1937), three Canadians (1 Ni), two Bermuda 5¢, one US dime and a Brazil 1 Cruzeiro (1990). The Brazil coin is a new type for me. That's the third 1937 Buffalo I've found in a row.

3,100 pennies yielded twenty Wheats, twenty-nine Canadians and six US dimes. The Wheats were:

1940, 1942, 1944, 1944S, 1946S, 1947D, 1948(2), 1949, 1951S, 1952D, 1953D(2)(, 1954D, 1955(3), 1957, 1958, 1958D

Found: 3 foreign coins (1 Canadian penny, 2 Canadian dimes)