Thursday, November 12, 2009


Meg and I had another fun night with Henry. He's been in a really good mood during the past three evenings. When I've gotten home he's run to the door to greet me and immediately grabbed my hand to take me playing. After supper we've had a lot fun playing "chase Henry" with him. Henry has also begun to understand colors. He now says "pink" and blue" consistently and occasionally says "yellow." He understands a few more colors.

I only searched pennies last night. 3,200 pennies produced twenty-four Wheats, twenty-six Canadians, one US dime and a Liberia 1¢ (1975). That's the first coin from Liberia for me and only the fourth African country I now have a coin from (found anyway). The Wheats were:

1937(3), 1939S, 1942, 1944(2), 1945, 1946(2), 1947, 1948D, 1949, 1950, 1950D, 1951D, 1955, 1956D(2), 1957, 1957D(2), 1958D

Above is the proof version of the coin I found. Mine isn't a proof, but this gives some idea of what the coin I found looks like.