Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's a been a tough week at home with Henry being sick for two days, both kids sleeping very poorly and Henry's extreme anti-school protestations this morning. Here's a picture of the kids from this weekend when I had a good time with them at the Sturbridge Village antique car show (despite the rain too!).

204 small dollars had nothing.

7,040 quarters produced one silver Washington (1964D), one proof (2005S CA), four Canadians and one Bermuda 25¢. It was cool to find another silver quarter and a new proof.

2,100 dimes yielded three silver dimes (1918, 1942, 1961D), three Canadians and four UK 5 pence.

1,320 nickels turned up two dateless Buffaloes, five Canadians (1 Ni) and one US dime.