Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Things have been going a bit slowly here. Last night I went through a box of dimes. It turned up empty except for one recent Canadian I didn't have yet. Another box with multiple silver Rosies must be out there for me somewhere!

I also tried my first two attempts at using my new metal detector. It's a Prizm III. So far I've tried it in my backyard and at a local park behind my office. It's been frustrating so far. I haven't even successfully found metal trash! Ugh. It's going to take some time to learn how to use the thing I guess. I thought it'd be easier - that's probably what everyone thinks though! Oh well.


Bailey said...

I'll be interested to hear updates on the metal detector. I've always thought about doing something like that for fun, just to see what I could dig up.

Probably would help if I lived near a beach!

Anonymous said...

I have a metal detector. It does take awhile to get the hang of it and find a comfortable rhythm. I don't get out too much (small child and all), but I always find it relaxing. I particularly like to go to the beach early in the morning in the fall. Makes me feel good. Best find: a Philadelphia Weights and Measures Dept. medallion. All told, I've found $8.64 in maybe a dozen or so searches.