This weekend I took Friday and Monday off to give me a four day weekend. On Friday Henry, Hazel and I along with my sister and nephew Liam visited my grandparents. It was a good visit. Henry was very excited about the fluffy snow they had there. (Little did he know!) My grandmother did some appreciated spoiling with a round of late morning ice cream cones. We continued the visiting with trip to my folks on Saturday. Once again Henry was very taken with the snow. Hazel had fun out there too.

And then on Sunday we had more snow then we could have imagined for October. Meg and I were worried all night about the destruction that this snow might bring, but we survived pretty well. All of our small trees looked horrible, but after I shook the snow off them and trimmed the broken branches they seemed to be relatively OK. We lost power for only an hour which was much better than lots of friends and family.
The worst was our neighbor's tree which almost completely collapsed on our driveway and the road. (as seen above)
Fortunately I had lots of help shoveling the driveway!

The snow did cancel a Halloween party we were all looking forward to, but trick-or-treating went as planned. In contrast to previous years Henry was excited to put his costume on. We were also successful in getting on Hazel's chicken costume (Meg made her costume from two onesies, some stuffing and a couple of boas).

Here's Hazel, Evan, Liam and Henry all dressed up and ready to go.

Hazel spent most of her trick-or-treating time in Nicole's wagon enjoying a feather covered lollipop. Henry did really well following (and at times leading) the gang going up to about a dozen houses in Nicole's neighborhood.
It was great time.
The next morning I attended a parent-teacher conference at Henry's school. During my talk with Henry's teacher she showed me two drawings he had made that blew my mind. Two months of school have helped him so much. Meg and I couldn't be happier with the experience.

Henry told us this last one was a picture of himself.
97 small dollars and 8,000 half dollars had nothing. A lot of work for nought. :(
11,440 quarters turned up eighteen Canadians, eighteen US nickels, six US dimes, one heart medal, one car wash token, one Italian 50 Lire (1967), one UK 10 pence and one Bermuda 25¢.
8,600 dimes yielded four silver Rosies (1946, 1959D, 1961, 1963D), eleven Canadians, one Bermuda 10¢, one US penny, one UK 5 pence and one plastic dime (says March of Dimes on it).
11,750 pennies rounded up seventy-nine Wheats, seventy-three Canadians, two US dimes, one South African 1¢ and one off center penny. The pennies contained my third Canadian George V cent for the month of October; the 1933.
1916D, 1919, 1920, 1935, 1939, 1940(2), 1941(3), 1942(2), 1944(4), 1944S, 1945(5), 1945D, 1946(4), 1947(2), 1948(2), 1949(2), 1950(2), 1951(2), 1951D(2), 1952, 1952D, 1953(2), 1954, 1954S, 1955(4), 1955D(2), 1956(4), 1956D(8), 1957(2), 1957D(5), 1958(5), 1958D(3)
Found: 9 pennies, 1 quarter, 3 tokens (2 arcade tokens and 1 NH highway token)